Monday, November 9, 2020

Demonologist and demonesses

Human life is not just a path that has a beginning and an end. The road we take is subject to complex rules. You can not move along it, not paying attention to traffic signals and road signs

To some extent, this is also true of scientific work. The scientist, when he does his job, follows the rules. They are established by the scientific community. However, it is very important to question them. Own initiative is also very important. A compromise is needed between rules and personal desires.

Metaphysical disciplines and magic work very differently. Therefore, one cannot deal with secret knowledge in the same way as ordinary science. This is a matter of the heart, not just of the mind.

When a person is engaged in demonology and studies demonesses, he walks along a narrow path. This trail runs between the waterfalls of the abyss. But the demonologist must follow this path to the end.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

How do I create a tulpa

How do I create a tulpa? This is often asked by reasonable people. Homo sapiens is not a physiological given, but the result of education. Similarly, the tulpa is not the result of working according to a certain algorithm, but a state of mind.

The soul of the tulpa is based, basically, on three pillars. The first one is the core. The second is the shell. The third is the inflexible will of the Demonologist.

Those who know this act purposefully. Do not think that this requires studying textbooks. Old grimoires are no help in this matter. Just like a painting that is created by a creative artist, this work requires a balanced approach.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


They don't joke with Kabbalah. Anyone who studies the secret sciences must definitely test their knowledge.

Checking with authentic sources is an important part of learning.

The material taught by Kabbalists is complex, but there are proven methods of assimilating it.

In the Middle Ages, the categorization of the Sephiroth was developed. 

According to these categories, all Sephirs are included in the four Kabbalistic worlds.

One of these worlds is the World of Yetzirah.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The virus is a mysterious and secretive creature

No one can joke with viruses. If someone doubted this, then today he is forced to reconsider his opinion. The world economies are collapsing, civil rights are being violated, and the whole world seems to be going downhill - and all this happens because of a tiny virus!

Martial law is being introduced in countries, production is being closed, people are left without work and they are ordered not to leave their homes. What is this - the result of a war? Or maybe the alien invasion began? Not at all! There is simply a danger of catching a cold!

But what is a cold? Most people cannot distinguish it from the symptoms of a viral infection. And there are reasons for this confusion. The fact is that viruses themselves are harmless, and the symptoms of a viral infection are nothing but the body’s immune response!

The virus is a mysterious and secretive creature. How to approach him? Does this require a medical education?

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Do we live inside Kabbalah?

Kabbalah is a difficult doctrine, but studying it can help solve even the simplest problems. There is no paradox in this, because everything complicated begins with simple.

Nowadays, everything Kabbalistic seems mysterious to people. But isn’t the riddle what drives a person to new discoveries? An inquiring mind always strives for self-improvement.

Kabbalistic worlds are inaccessible. Nobody argues with this. Many people think that these worlds are in no way connected with our reality. However, scientists have proved that the kabbalistic world of Assiah is closely connected with our world. Someone even believes that we live in it.