Friday, March 20, 2020

The virus is a mysterious and secretive creature

No one can joke with viruses. If someone doubted this, then today he is forced to reconsider his opinion. The world economies are collapsing, civil rights are being violated, and the whole world seems to be going downhill - and all this happens because of a tiny virus!

Martial law is being introduced in countries, production is being closed, people are left without work and they are ordered not to leave their homes. What is this - the result of a war? Or maybe the alien invasion began? Not at all! There is simply a danger of catching a cold!

But what is a cold? Most people cannot distinguish it from the symptoms of a viral infection. And there are reasons for this confusion. The fact is that viruses themselves are harmless, and the symptoms of a viral infection are nothing but the body’s immune response!

The virus is a mysterious and secretive creature. How to approach him? Does this require a medical education?